pub.mdw Publikationsserver

The mdw Open Access Publication Server

pub.mdw is a mdwRepository service exclusively for publications that have emerged from the mdw's research and that are to be made accessible to the interested public. pub.mdw is thus an essential tool in the mdw's Open Access strategy. The uploaded publications cannot only be found on the pub.mdw platform, but their bibliographical information is also to be distributed to other platforms via an open technical interface, making them easier to find.

mdwRepository is the underlying technical infrastructure of pub.mdw, which is made available to mdw members to securely store their digital objects, to describe them for future use (metadata) and to manage access rights. Various mdwRepository services are available depending on the object type and target group.


If you plan to (re-)publish your publication on pub.mdw and would like to receive a permanently citable Web address (Digital Object Identifier, DOI), please contact us via email at In case you wish to republish a large number of items on pub.mdw, please get in touch in advance, so we can plan the process.

Further Information

... can be found on the pub.mdw platform.

Repository Management

For support, please turn to Max Bergmann:
Tel. +43-1-71155-8122